hongkongdoll 露脸 2024年10月外文新书保举(部分)
发布日期:2024-11-02 12:34    点击次数:167

hongkongdoll 露脸 2024年10月外文新书保举(部分)

Wednesday's Child: Stories

【I S B N】9780374606374

【作  者】Yiyun Li (Author)

【出书社】Farrar, Straus and Girouxs



【索书号】I247.7 /L693 /E

【简  介】 Finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, the Story Prize, the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Fiction, and the Mark Twain American Voice in Literature Award

Named a Best Book of the Year by Los Angeles Times, Vulture, Esquire, NPR, and Kirkus Reviews

A new collection―about loss, alienation, aging, and the strangeness of contemporary life―by the award-winning, and inimitable, author of The Book of Goose.

A grieving mother makes a spreadsheet of everyone she’s lost. Elsewhere, a professor develops a troubled intimacy with her hairdresser. And every year, a restless woman receives an email from a strange man twice her age and several states away. In the stories of Wednesday’s Child, people strive for an ordinary existence until doing so becomes unsustainable, until the surface cracks and the grand mysterious forces―death, violence, estrangement―come to light. Even before such moments, everyday life is laden with meaning, studded with indelible details: a filched jar of honey, a mound of wounded ants, a photograph kept hidden for many years, until it must be seen.

Yiyun Li is a truly original writer, an alchemist of opposites: tender and unsentimental, metaphysical and blunt, funny and horrifying, omniscient and unusually aware of just how much we cannot know. Beloved for her novels and her memoir, she returns here to her earliest form, gathering pieces that have appeared in The New Yorker, Zoetrope, and other publications. Taken together, these stories, written over the span of a decade, articulate the cost, both material and emotional, of living―exile, assimilation, loss, love―with Li’s trademark unnerving beauty and wisdom.

  The Good Enough Life

【I S B N】9781509559657

【作  者】Miller, Daniel

【出书社】Polity Press


【索书号】B089.3 /M647 /E

【简 介】 This book is a highly original exploration of what life could and should be. It juxtaposes a philosophical enquiry into the nature of the good life with an ethnography of people living in a small Irish town.

Attending carefully to the everyday lives of these people, the ethnographic chapters examine topics ranging from freedom and inequality to the creation of community and the purpose of life. These chapters alternate with discussions of similar topics by a wide range of philosophers in the Western tradition, from Socrates and the Stoics through Kant, Hegel, and Heidegger to Adorno, Rawls, MacIntyre, and Nussbaum.

As an ethnography, this book reveals just how much we can learn from a respectful acknowledgement of what ordinary modest people have achieved. By creating community as a deliberate and social project that provides the foundation for a more fulfilling life, where affluence has not led to an increase in individualism, the people in this town have found a way to live the good enough life. The book also shows how anthropology and philosophy can complement and enrich one another in an enquiry into what we might accomplish in our lives.

Crafting Autoethnography : Processes and Practices of Making Self and Culture

【I S B N】9781032313337

【作  者】Jackie Goode (Editor), Karen Lumsden (Editor), Jan Bradford (Editor)



【索书号】C95-05 /C885 /E

【简  介】This collection explores how autoethnography is made. Contributors from sociology, education, counselling, the visual arts, textiles, drama, music, and museum curation uncover and reflect on the processes and practices they engage in as they craft their autoethnographic artefacts. Each chapter explores a different material or media, together creating a rich and stimulating set of demonstrations, with the focus firmly on the practical accomplishment of texts/artefacts.

Theoretically, this book seeks to rectify the hierarchical separation of art and craft and of intellectual and practical cultural production, by collapsing distinctions between knowing and making. In relation to connections between personal experience and wider social and cultural phenomena, contributors address a variety of topics such as social class, family relationships and intergenerational transmission, loss, longing and grief, the neoliberal university, gender, sexuality, colonialism, race/ism, national identity, digital identities, indigenous ways of knowing/making and how these are ‘storied’, curated and presented to the public, and our relationship with the natural world. Contributors also offer insights into how the ‘crafting space’ is itself one of intellectual inquiry, debate, and reflection.

This is a core text for readers from both traditional and practice-based disciplines undertaking qualitative research methods/autoethnographic inquiry courses, as well as community-based practitioners and students. Readers interested in creative practice, practitioner-research and arts-based research in the social sciences and humanities will also benefit from this book.

Consumer Protection in Asia

【I S B N】9781509957538

【作  者】Geraint Howells (Editor), Hans-W Micklitz (Editor), Mateja Durovic (Editor), André Janssen (Editor)

【出书社】Hart Publishing


【索书号】D912.294 /C758 /E

【简  介】This book looks at the consumer protection offered in a range of Asian countries,日本女优大全 for example China, Japan, and South Korea in key areas such as consumer sales law, unfair terms, product liability, and unfair commercial practices. However, it is interesting to note that consumer protection is on the rise everywhere and to compare how this differs depending upon the legal cultures. It is also fascinating to reflect on the influence of models for law reform such as the EU laws. ASEAN has also affected the development of consumer policy for its member states.

The book takes the form of national reports which explain the development of the law and also shed light on how the law works in practice. The book also contains thematic reports which look at each area of the law from a comparative perspective. Commentators from around the globe reflect on their impression of Asian consumer law based on their own differing legal systems and benchmarks.

A must-read for anyone with an interest in consumer law in Asia and beyond, this book will form the basis of further research and discussion internationally.

Gender and Protest: On the Historical and Contemporary Interrelation of Two Social Phenomena

【I S B N】9783111100135

【作  者】Frank Jacob (Editor), Jowan A. Mohammed (Editor)

【出书社】‎De Gruyter


【索书号】D51-09 /G325 /E

【简  介】For centuries women and other “gendered minorities” had to protest to gain equality. Their demands were often matched by counter-protest from conservative forces within historical societies that intended to return to “old orders” or “good old times.” The present volume will take a closer look at the interrelationship between gender and protest and analyze in detail how gender-related perspectives stimulated protests and initiated historical changes. Through historical case studies that range from antiquity until modern times, specialists from different countries and disciplines discuss reasons for protest, gender as a factor that stimulated social conflicts, and the power of gendered protests of the past with regards to their impact and long-term impact until today.

Illusions of Progress

【I S B N】9781512823813

【作  者】Brent Cebul (Author)

【出书社】University of Pennsylvania Press (March 14 2023)


【索书号】F171.29 /C387 /E

【简 介】Today, the word “neoliberal” is used to describe an epochal shift toward market-oriented governance begun in the 1970s. Yet the roots of many of neoliberalism’s policy tools can be traced to the ideas and practices of mid-twentieth-century liberalism.

In Illusions of Progress, Brent Cebul chronicles the rise of what he terms “supply-side liberalism,” a powerful and enduring orientation toward politics and the economy, race and poverty, that united local chambers of commerce, liberal policymakers and economists, and urban and rural economic planners. Beginning in the late 1930s, New Dealers tied expansive aspirations for social and, later, racial progress to a variety of economic development initiatives. In communities across the country, otherwise conservative business elites administered liberal public works, urban redevelopment, and housing programs. But by binding national visions of progress to the local interests of capital, liberals often entrenched the very inequalities of power and opportunity they imagined their programs solving.

When President Lyndon Johnson launched the War on Poverty―which prioritized direct partnerships with poor and racially marginalized citizens―businesspeople, Republicans, and soon, a rising generation of New Democrats sought to rein in its seeming excesses by reinventing and redeploying many of the policy tools and commitments pioneered on liberalism’s supply side: public-private partnerships, market-oriented solutions, fiscal “realism,” and, above all, subsidies for business-led growth now promised to blunt, and perhaps ultimately replace, programs for poor and marginalized Americans.

In this wide-ranging book, Brent Cebul illuminates the often-overlooked structures of governance, markets, and public debt through which America’s warring political ideologies have been expressed and transformed. From Washington, D.C. to the declining Rustbelt and emerging Sunbelt and back again, Illusions of Progress reveals the centrality of public and private forms of profit that have defined the enduring boundaries of American politics, opportunity, and inequality― in an era of liberal ascendance and an age of neoliberal retrenchment.

Artful Subversion

【I S B N】9780300263435

【作  者】Ying-chen Peng (Author)

【出书社】Yale University Press (Jan. 24 2023)

【馆藏地】理科馆外教中心(东)【索书号】J121 /P398 /E

【简  介】This revelatory book shows how the influential and controversial Empress Dowager Cixi used art and architecture to establish her authority

Empress Dowager Cixi (1835–1908), who ruled China from 1861 until her death in 1908, is a subject of fascination and controversy, at turns vilified for her political maneuvering and admired for modernizing China. In addition to being an astute politician, she was an earnest art patron, and this beautifully illustrated book explores a wide range of objects, revealing how the empress dowager used art and architecture to solidify her rule.

Cixi’s art commissions were innovative in the way that they unified two distant conceptions of gender in China at the time, demonstrating her strength and wisdom as a monarch while highlighting her identity as a woman and mother. Artful Subversion examines commissioned works, including portrait paintings and photographs, ceramics, fashion, architecture, and garden design, as well as work Cixi created, such as painting and calligraphy. The book is a compelling study of how a powerful matriarch at once subverted and upheld the Qing imperial patriarchy.

Ireland and Empire in the Late Nineteenth Century

【I S B N】9781837650606

【作  者】Fergal O'Leary (Author)

【出书社】Boydell Press (Aug. 15 2023)


【索书号】K562.3 /O45 /E

【简  介】This book examines the place of imperialism in the cultural, political and economic life of late nineteenth-century Irish society.

It highlights the tensions which arose because Ireland was at the same time both a colonial subject of Britain, yet also shared aspects of the imperial culture which was being formed during this period. It considers how Empire seeped into everyday Irish life, explores how Irish men and Irish women were intimately bound up with British expansionism, with imperial achievements and setbacks enthusiastically covered in many national and local newspapers, and discusses how Irish politicians and students vehemently debated imperial matters in public. It addresses key questions including: What were the similarities and differences with Britain's imperial experience? Was there a general awareness and understanding of the implications of British overseas expansion? How was Ireland's ambiguous role in Britain's imperial enterprise perceived: did the Irish regard themselves as empire-makers, opponents of British national chauvinism, or occupying a more neutral role? Overall, the book provides a nuanced analysis of the impact of the British Empire in Ireland, demonstrating how the Empire was central to Ireland's late nineteenth-century historical experience - for nationalists and unionists alike.

A Few Acres of Ice: Environment, Sovereignty, and "Grandeur" in the French Antarctic

【I S B N】9781501772092

【作  者】Janet Martin-Nielsen (Author)

【出书社】Cornell University Press (2023年 10月 15日)


【索书号】K901.4 /M386 /E

【简  介】A Few Acres of Ice is an in-depth study of France's complex relationship with the Antarctic, from the search for Terra Australis by French navigators in the sixteenth century to France's role today as one of seven states laying claim to part of the white continent. Janet Martin-Nielsen focuses on environment, sovereignty, and science to reveal not only the political, commercial, and religious challenges of exploration but also the interaction between environmental concerns in polar regions and the geopolitical realities of the twenty-first century.

Martin-Nielsen details how France has worked (and at times not worked) to perform sovereignty in Terre Adélie, from the territory's integration into France's colonial empire to France's integral role in making the environment matter in Antarctic politics. As a result, A Few Acres of Ice sheds light on how Terre Adeìlie has altered human perceptions and been constructed by human agency since (and even before) its discovery.

Campaign of the century

【I S B N】9780300271003

【作  者】Irwin F. Gellman (Author)

【出书社】Yale University Press (Jan. 4 2022)


【索书号】D771.224-09 /G319 /E

【简  介】Based on massive new research, a compelling and surprising account of the twentieth century’s closest election

“[Gellman] offers as detailed an exploration of the 1960 presidential race as can be found.”—Robert W. Merry, Wall Street Journal

“A brilliant work . . . the research is absolutely phenomenal. . . . This book should receive every accolade the publishing industry can give it, including the Pulitzer Prize.”—John Rothmann, KGO’s “The John Rothmann Show”

The 1960 presidential election between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon is one of the most frequently described political events of the twentieth century, yet the accounts to date have been remarkably unbalanced. Far more attention is given to Kennedy’s side than to Nixon’s. The imbalance began with the first book on that election, Theodore White’s The Making of the President 1960—in which (as he later admitted) White deliberately cast Kennedy as the hero and Nixon as the villain—and it has been perpetuated in almost every book since then.

Few historians have attempted an unbiased account of the election, and none have done the archival research that Irwin F. Gellman has done. Based on previously unused sources such as the FBI’s surveillance of JFK and the papers of Leon Jaworski, vice-presidential candidate Henry Cabot Lodge, and many others, this book presents the first even-handed history of both the primary campaigns and the general election. The result is a fresh, engaging chronicle that shatters long-held myths and reveals the strengths and weaknesses of both candidates.